You’ve worked really hard on launching your new website – writing copy, choosing pictures, picking out colours and fonts, and now it’s time to launch it to the world.
Before you share your brand new masterpiece website with the world, I want to share with you 10 things you MUST do before you launch. I recently launched my website, so this list is coming straight from personal experience.
Not so fast, sister!
Check out my list of 10 things you must do before you launch below before you hit ‘publish.’
10 Things You Must Do Before You Launch Your Website
- Test Your Contact Form
- Click on all of your links and see if they work
- Do a trial purchase if you are selling products
- Review your site on a desktop computer and a mobile device to ensure layout and formatting is accurate and good on both types of devices
- If using a template, double-check that all of the template place-holder pictures have been swapped out for your photos
- Have a friend or family member read through your entire site and scan through for spelling errors. A huge thank you to Cassandra Comeau, my Virtual Assistant, for reading through and checking out links!
- Test out all lead magnets, freebies, pop-ups and forms on your website to ensure they are all working
- Create a social media countdown to your launch to build anticipation and drive traffic to your site on launch day. My website host Showit provided free Canva templates to help with this. Check out the ones I used HERE and HERE.
- Draft an email announcing your launch and sharing your new link. Send to friends, family and business contacts on day of launch
- Give yourself a HUGE pat on the back for a job well done. Launching a website is NOT easy and you my friend, just did it!!
Are you looking for some additional help with your website content? Check out my About Me Page Template & Tips found in my Template Shop for an easy step-by-step walk-through.
From my kitchen table to yours,

I am a professional copywriter, brand strategist and the Founder of Kitchen Table CEOs. Through tips, writing templates and one-on-one consulting services, I help women entrepreneurs create the content, brand and online presence they need to launch and grow their business. For more information on my services and how to work with me, please click HERE.