I was honoured to be featured in the Toronto Star and The Auroran to talk about Kitchen Table CEOs expansion and how my business and my female-entrepreneur clients have been affected by COVID 19.
“Just over a year ago, Tracy Smith took some significant steps towards finding that perfect work-life balance, launching Kitchen Table CEOs as an online resource for female entrepreneurs looking for resources and support to grow their small businesses and make their lives easier.
It was, of course, impossible to foresee that little over a week later, the world would be turned upside down by COVID-19, leading more women – and men – than ever before to be working from home contemplating their next moves in an uncertain time….”
Click the buttons above or below to access the full article. Thank you to Brock Weir who reached out and wrote the piece.
If you enjoy articles, check out this one that I wrote to and for Jenna Kutcher (yes, that Jenna Kutcher)! Or THIS PODCAST episode that is perfect for any female entrepreneur who has struggled with imposter syndrome or difficult bosses.
From my kitchen table to yours,

I am a professional copywriter, brand strategist and the Founder of Kitchen Table CEOs. Through tips, writing templates and one-on-one consulting services, I help women entrepreneurs create the content, brand and online presence they need to launch and grow their business. For more information on my services and how to work with me, please click HERE.